


 <繪本/歌曲>  The animal Boogie

 ScreenHunter_08 Aug. 20 05.31

這首歌我兒超級無敵愛唱跳的! 一天(媽媽)唱好幾遍


Down in a jungle, come if you dare

What can you see shaking here anre there

With a shaky shake here and shaky shake there 

What's that creature shaking here and there? 

It's a bear!

She goes shake, shake boggie, woogie, oogie!

shake, shake boggie, woogie, oogie! 

shake, shake boggie, woogie, oogie! 

That's the way she's shaking here and there. 


Down in a jungle where nobody sees

What can you see swinging through the trees?

With a swingy swing here and swingy swing there

What's that creature swinging here and there?

It's a monkey!

He goes swing , swing boggie, woogie, oogie!

swing , swing boggie, woogie, oogie!

swing , swing boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way he's swinging here and there.


Down in a jungle in the midday heat

What can you see stomping its feet?

With a stompy stomp here and stompy stomp there

What's that creature stomping its feet?

It's an elephant

She goes stomp, stomp, boggie, woogie, oogie!

stomp, stomp, boggie, woogie, oogie!

stomp, stomp, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way she's stomping her feet.


Down in a jungle where the trees grow high?

What can you see flying in the sky?

With a flappy flap here and flappy flap there

What's that creature flying in the sky?

It's a bird

He goes flap, flap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

flap, flap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

flap, flap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way he's flying in the sky.


Down in a jungle where the leaves lie deep?

What can you see learning how to leap?

With a leapy leap here and leapy leap there

What's that creature learning how to leap?

It's a leopard

She goes leap, leap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

leap, leap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

leap, leap, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way she's learning how to leap


Down in a jungle where there's danger all around?

What can you see slithering on the ground?

With a slither slither here and slither slither there

What's that creature slithering on the ground?

It's a snake

He goes slither, slither, boggie, woogie, oogie!

slither, slither, boggie, woogie, oogie!

slither, slither, boggie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way he's slithering on the ground


Down in a jungle where the stars are shining bright

Who can you see swaying left and right?

With a sway sway here and sway sway there

Who is swaying left and swaying right?

We are!

We go sway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie!

sway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie!

sway, sway, boogie, woogie, oogie!

That's the way we boogie through the night.

youtube (連結)


 <繪本/歌曲/遊戲>  We're going on a bear hunt

ScreenHunter_09 Aug. 20 05.47  

超經典的一本書! 有精裝、平裝、有聲書等等超多版本


因為很怕蟹寶不買單就沒買了 (有一次去圖書館看到,確實也不吸引他)


把故事場景重現出來~ 好促咪

其實都只是簡單的道具  所以在家也可以和孩子玩









 <繪本>  Wake up sloth

ScreenHunter_10 Aug. 20 05.58

ScreenHunter_11 Aug. 20 05.58  





<勞做> 樹懶




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